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FAQ: Disk Quota Exceeded


As the message suggests, this error indicates that one or more storage space quotas have been exceeded. Sherlock provides multiple filesystems to users. For a likely more thorough and more up to date review of these filesystems, see Sherlock documentation: [] ( Filesystems to which users have write permissions include:

  • $HOME: 15GB quota
  • $GROUP_HOME: 1TB quota
  • $SCRATCH, $GROUP_SCRATCH: 100 TB quota, purged on rolling 90 day cycle
  • $OAK: Purchased by PI groups, school, or other consortia in 10TB or 250TB blocks.

Your usage of these filesystems can be reviewd using the sh_quota command (] ( ). Note that this may not show all quotas. For example, this command will most likely not show the shared CEES Oak space, since it is not affiliated with a PI group.

Quota exceeded errors: $HOME

“Quota Exceeded” errors may correctly indicate an exceeded quota, probably in $HOME. The 15GB $HOME quota can be quickly exceeded by data or software packages. Most pointedly, Python or Ana-/Mini-conda installations, especially when machine learning packages are involved, can become quite large. A single Tensorflow based Conda envioronment, for example, can easily be larger than 10GB.

To avoid exceeding the $HOME quota, install software to $GROUP_HOME. If you are exceeding your $GROUP_HOME quota, consider moving some of your data to an Oak space.

Quota exceeded errors: $OAK

If you are seeing “quota exceeded” errors on Oak, but you know you are well within your Oak quota, it may be due to a known bug related to how the permissions and quotas are set up in the LUSTRE filesystem. Specifically, Oak quotas are presently managed by group ownership. In some cases, group ownership is not transfered or set correctly when a directory is copied or created, so that directory and subsequent files/directories copied or created into it are assigned to the nobody group. The quota for the nobody group is eventually exceeded, and you will see this error.


  • Ensure that the setgid bit is NOT removed on any Oak directory. In practice, this may involve a variety of “do/do-not set permissions” options for compression/extraction (tar,zip, etc.), file transfer, etc. applications.
  • For existing files, review their group ownership using ls -lh. Where you see files and directories with the group nobody, change them to the correct Oak group. For standard PI Oak groups, the group ID (probably) the PI’s SUNetID. For CEES users, this is most likely oak_s-ees, eg:
    chgrp --recursive oak_s-ees /oak/stanford/schools/ees/$GROUP/my_new_data_dir

or equivalently – and perhaps more familiar,

    chown --recursive :oak_s-ees /oak/stanford/schools/ees/$GROUP/my_new_data_dir