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CMG Basics

Computer Modeling Group Ltd (CMG) (, also see Wikipedia produces a suite of proprietary physics based simulators popular in a variety of Earth and other physical sciences. Simulators include:

  • GEM
  • IMEX

In this document, we compile some basic “how to” cases, descriptions of run-time parameters, discussions of environment variables, and general run-time syntax.

CMG on Sherlock

Multiple versions of CMG are installed as part of the SERC software stack on Sherlock. To enable the SW stack, execute the following setup scritp – either at runtime or as part of your .bashrc:

module use /home/groups/sh_s-dss/share/sdss/modules/modulefiles

then load the CMG module with some LMOD consistent variant of:

module load CMG/

Executables and directory structure

The directory structure for CMG models is somewhat non-standard in HPC environments, but logical enough. For linux, the executables (binaries) are located in folders like,


So for the 2023 version of GEM,


These paths are configured in the module definition file:

[myoder96@sh03-09n72 ] (job 31521159) $ module show CMG
whatis("CMG - gem, imex, stars. br, launcher, rlmsecure should also be supported")

Execution signature and runtime parameters:

The necessary paths to executable and linking libraries are defined by the module definition. GEM can be run interactively using the full path, for example


or just (because the path is defined),


Note that the latter syntax is prefered, since the sysadmin will likely modify the specific installation directory.

GEM will then request an input file and write output using a default naming cvonvention. Alternatively, the input file and output format can be specified – as will be necessary for batch scripts. For example, to define the simulation from a file input.dat, and output to files like my_output.*,

gm201810.exe -f input.dat -o my_output 

As it happens, CMG provides some test data sets. You can test CMG with the test script: ${SCRATCH}/cmg_workdir

Where the working directory parameter, ${SCRATCH}/cmg_workdir is optional (a default value will be used if the pamameter is not provided).

Runtime parameters

  • -f {input_file_path}: full path and file name of input data file (usually ends in .dat)
  • -o {file_path_root}: Output files will be file_path_root.irf, .mrf, .out, .rst, .sr3 .
  • -parasol {n_cores}: “Parallel solutions”
  • -solverg: Something to do with parallelization? It is mentioned as a keyword along with parasol
  • -combinative : A combinative solver, pre-conditioner. Supposed to reduce the required number of solver iterations. Can it be used in combination with parasol?
  • -htuse : Use hyperthreads. This is not recommended. Testing has shown that hyperthreads degrade performance.

Environment varialbes:

These variables affect how parallelization is handled. Different setting might be optimal for various runtime scenarios. Some pertinent issues:

  1. How many cores, processors, nodes
  2. Are multiple CMG jobs running on the same machine
  3. With or with out a job scheduler? Aka, are the jobs competing for resources?

Some environmebnt variables include:

  • KMP_AFFINITY: Controls allocation of job components onto processors
    • KMP_AFFINITY=compact,0 : Allocates load to as few processors as possible; cores can share memory. Recommended for HPC
    • KMP_AFFINITY=compact,1 : Allocates load to as many processors as possible. Increases cross-talk between cores/processors, but might make more efficient use of memory in some cases, or can be optimal for processors that can run on boosted clock speeds.
    • To run multiple simulations on one node without a scheduler, do not set this variable.
  • OMP_SCHEDULE : OpenMP threads parameter (aka, how many OpenMP threads to use)
    • Typically: OMP_SCHEDULE=static,1 gm201810.exe -f TC12_GEM_500Grid_106_C_2800_psi_VM4.dat -o my_output -parasol 4