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CEES-RCF is decommissioned

the CEES-RCF HPC and tool nodes have been decommissioned.

Getting Started

Connecting RCF: SSH and VPN

Connections to RCF are made via Secure Shell (SHH). On LInux or MacOS systems, an ssh client is often installed in the default configuration or easily installed using a package manager. For more information, including installing SSH for Windows, see Installing an SSH client.

Most connections to Mazama require being connected to the Stanford VPN: - Stanford VPN Instructions


RCF is an HPC cluster consisting of approximately 150 nodes, each with twin quad-core processors 24 GB memory. RCF is managed by a MAUI/TORQUE PBS system; all jobs must be submitted and queued to run in batch; interactive jobs can be run on Tool Servers.


RCF HPC is available to PIs, and their teams, who own nodes on the cluster.

Connecting to RCF HPC

The first step to running a job is to connect to a login node using your Stanford su_id:

    $ ssh <SUNetID>

This will connect you to a login or head node. These nodes are not for computation. Use these nodes for small data transfer jobs, moderate compilation, scheduling batch jobs, and other low impact staging activities. Compute intensive activities – including extensive code compilations and data copy jobs, should be either queued to run in batch or run on Tool Servers – see below.